Monday, November 19, 2007

Community Service

The three things that trouble me the most are war, abuse, and unemployment. The least about all of the three are unemployment which i have decided to write about. It is known that a nationally we have approxamately 4.7% where without jobs. The state of kansas reported that their was approxamently 4.3% in September. Butler county reported a 6.1% unemployment rate in 2004, which is about 2 percent more than the national average. I believe that unemployment is kind of a matter of someone not attempting hard enough to get employment. Becuase there is anything from job available at Wal-Mart as a cashier to someone at a fast food joint. Even thought most adults don't think that would a job rigth for them. These are jobs that provide training and growth. Sometimes an adult can find themselves looking for more pay, if they would places like fastfood, thanks to them not having any college experiance or highschool deploma. An Easy way would be for the person to go get a GED or start at a community college level. That way they can gain knowledge and information that will help them with work at the sametiem as working towards there goals. For Knowledge is the key to moving forward, becuase without it the cave man wouldn't have made paint to draw on. Another way for someone to help the unemployment rate is to look at the amount of adults that are taking disablity payments, and see if they are just trying to make a good check or if they are actually trying to get better so they can move on with there lifes.

Monday, November 5, 2007

Butler Resources

I did the essay about the failing classes...

I think he needs to find somewhere quiet where he can study other than his dorm room, since his roommate is causing problems. He isn't going to move out of the room so that you can study, so you might as well move away from him. I think that he needs to get help with fixing some of his time management issues. I also think he needs to tell his parents about everything mentioned in the letter, and tell them that he will worry about the Alma Matter when he transfers to a four year college. And last of all less parting and more studing...

Butler has several things that can help him like... he could find one of several study groups to help him raise his grades, he could attend a regular local drug rehab meeting if he finds he can't quit, and talk to his teachers for more help. Since most of the teachers at butler are more than willing to meet with the students to help, during their planning/office time. I would also check with advising to see if they could give you more referances to help you out with all of these things.