Learning profile
Some of the common themes I have discovered in the reading that the book pushes to help you figure out who you are, and who you want to become. Through discovering things about yourself, by taking surveys and tests. Showing you new ways to think about things you come upon in your life everyday. Making you consider you attitude during different situations in order to help you succeed in what you want to do, in the present and future. The biggest and most interesting chapter of the book was the chapter about prioritizing, because I have an issue sometimes trying to figure out what I should really go to. Since I’m involved with several things sometimes, of which ever once and a while there will be an event that in happening on the same day at the same time. I still kind of struggle to figure out which one I should be at but eventually I figure it out. I think the second thing that I found interesting was some of the career ideas they had in order to look and see if I want the career or job I’m thinking about going into. Of which the idea of possibly shadowing someone what an idea I had never yet, thought about.
My strengths as a learner would probably be the fact that I am good at trying to apply myself to things after I get a little more used to them. An example would be my job as a lifeguard; I might have been a good swimmer before I started the job. But swimming and being a lifeguard are two totally different things. It took me a while to get used to the little things like head neck and back injuries, and rescues... Now after a few years of working at the Pool I can now do a lot more stuff that I really wasn't prepared for when I showed up to work my first year. The activities that came the easiest for me was the listening part, since some of my friends have the opinion that I’m a good listener. One of the skills I think I could help someone with would be the record part of the book since I’ve had a little bit of experience with the new Cornell form of taking notes. I also know what kind of web searches’ you need to do in order to get a template, that all you have to do is print off and write your notes.
My weaknesses as a learner would probably be the fact that I don't adapt to change very well. Because sometimes I get into a pattern and I stick to it, and if feel weird for me to change it. Even if the change is a small thing, it still makes me step back and say "Woo, hold on". Another one of my weaknesses is that I’m not a speedy typer, writer, or reader. When we came up to the speed reader activities, I found myself way bellow where the normal college student was supposed to be at. This could be because I have a habit of read the line of text word per word, which in turn slows me down a lot. I think if I needed to take a course that requires a lot of reading, it would probably help my reading skills, but I find that less than likely to happen. Part of this problem could be the fact that I am an instrumental player, and I have to read the notes, note per note when I sight read a piece of music. Of which if I did learn to read it at more than a single note at a time it would probably help me as a player, and help further my career.
Some of the things I learned while taking this class is that all of us in the course have some of the same opinions, or at least that’s what it seemed like when reading the discussion boards. I learned that some of the material in the book is just kind of thrown out there and not really much example. Through this course I have realized that I do have some time management problems, and some that my reading skills aren't the best in the world. I have known that my reading has always been something needing work. Ever since I was a junior I’ve known that my reading skills have needed work, but what can I really do for it. Since I have such a busy/tight schedule that I have issues picking up a book to read sometimes. I found this chapter a little important to me because of the fact that the book talked about ways that could help me read better and faster.
I found that some of the questions really didn't mean much to me, since most of the time it was basically a summary of the chapter. The discussion boards were interesting, most of the time for me, since I found it interesting to hear what some of the other kids had to say. I didn't like the fact that all of the assignments were all internet projects, I guess I kind of like the classroom setting better than what I do with the online courses. I thought that the course was just boring for me, since I would read the chapters and understand them, but unless someone was there for me to absorb the information, it was pointless to make me know it. The out of the book activities were more informal for me than the online/readings. Ex. would be the speed reader, I learned a little bit by doing that; discovery was another one of those.
I thought it had a lot of information, but I thought it was not what I had hoped from the course. Since when I was told Student orination, I was thinking about like getting to know things about the campus. Of the text book the chapter I thought was the most redundant of them all was the chapter about remembering, because all of the college students today know how to remember things. Especially by making study cards or something like that. I think the part about the careers was very beneficial since I hadn't ever thought about being able to shadow someone, or doing an internship in the career I want to go into. I really don't think that anything needs to be added to the course book. Um... something I think might help you with the course, in the future would be if you were to give the Major assignments either in sections or in a big bulk all at once, like the first couple of weeks into the course. Because some of these blog comments go with some of the chapters in the book.
I think that students in the future should take a second and realize that the sooner you get it started the sooner you get it done. Don't wait until the last week to have to do more than three of these silly blog comments. I know now that this course, if you are taking it online. Probably won't give you the opportunity to have a class room setting. I never got to find out more about the campus, even when taking this course. Even if I have lived in El Dorado all of my life, I still really couldn't tell you where the auto body department is... and so if you have questions about something don't be afraid to ask. Since every time I have asked a question, I have always gotten a decent answer and if they don't know they have the ability to find out. When I think about what a sign will say, is one of the quotes’ I came up with... "Is it the Beginning of the End, or End of the Beginning"? This applies to your learning, your careers, your reading abilities; nothing is the end as long as you head for something new to start, kind of like a pinball; because no matter where you bump into or get caught by you’re always on your way to something bigger and new.
I think the lessons that I learn in this class will help me in future. Especially since I can go look back in the book after the semester is over. I think this next summer I’m going to try to read a lot more than what I am now. I really kind of thought that the book work covered some of the things every one should know for the most part. The new ideas are great; I just think that I will have issues adopting some of the skills into my life, the ones that I didn't know already. Some of them I will work on, in either due time or when I don’t' realize it. I really think that a little bit more interaction with the other students would have helped with me putting some of those traits into my life. Just because I don't take to change very well.
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